Going back to my graphic processes class I took up the Burma Shave project. That was a printing exercise and was to mimic the Burma Shave method billboards used. How companies uses a few billboards to advertise what they sell. Usually having one word per board, the message stringing together as you drive along.
For this revision project I used the song Eros and Apollos from the band Studio Killers. Laying out a poster and digital webpages to advertise a live concert.

The band Studio Killers is an animated band, much like the Gorillaz, from Europe. They use vivid animation for their music videos. The style often use is what is known as Vaporwave, which uses late 90s and early 00s digital visuals. Colored with bright, saturated neon and dark colors.

The poster that would be used to advertise the show. Including where it would be, what day, and time.
The landing page to buy the tickets and merchandise.

The band, although not active daily on their socials, is still alive and well. Happily sharing their latest work. Personally I follow them on Instagram and have picked up the language they often use.