For my Drawing and Media Methods 3 class we were to pick a local event and create a poster for it. Having grown up in Missouri and lived in the KC Metro Area for nearly a decade now I thought it would be fun to do a BBQ festival. This being the Lenexa BBQ Battle. Which is a two day festival in late June that hosts the areas best BBQ restaurants.

I know BBQ can be quite challenging to design for. It's usually fire and pigs. Which are fun, but can be a bit repetitive.
Overall I had a lot of fun with this project. As someone who's favorite traditional media is charcoal I knew I had to do something with it.

I used charcoal sticks and condiments for the color. Mustard, ketchup, and BBQ sauce. It made the paper smell like vinegar, but had such a rich color and thick texture.

The last thing I had made for this project were the spatula and poker. Very quick marker drawings that I enhanced with Photoshop.